Our Services
Civil Engineering
CRA has over 20 years of expertise in providing a wide variety of detailed civil engineering services and solutions to respond to the diverse needs of the comunity including stormwater management, water distribution and sanitary sewer collection system services, and plan development.
Reports and Studies
CRA, a reputable infrastructure consulting firm with over 15 years of experience, specializes in conducting detailed reports, studies, and inspections for utilities. Their expertise ensures accurate analysis, informed decision-making, and optimal utilization of resources in the infrastructure sector.
Services include:• Infrastructure design, permitting and construction services• Water and sewer distribution design and permitting• Lift Station design and permitting• Surface water management design and permitting• Plans review for engineering and planning• Review, interpretation and amendments of codes, standards and ordinances• Planning and studies of infrastructure needs• Agency & Permitting Coordination• Land Use Plan Amendments• Comprehensive Plan Amendments• Amendments to Land Development Codes• Zoning• Plat Processing• Environmental Resource Permitting• Environmental Impact Studies, Assessments or Statements• Site Planning• Development Permitting Applications & Processing• Assistance in Planning & Engineering Reviews• LEED principal